Manuscript types

The following types of manuscripts can be considered for peer-reviewed publication in the Polarforschung (PolF). Please follow the instructions for manuscript preparation and submission:

  • Scientific articles. We welcome articles with an overarching thematic focus (see subject areas). The journal will not accept original research articles, showing yet unpublished data and results. We look for longer review articles or short essays on general polar scientific topics with vivid illustrations, which will be peer-reviewed. The aim is to reflect the state of research across disciplines and make it understandable for scientists, students, a public audience, and social decision-makers.
  • Reports for the polar community. These contributions highlight activities and framework conditions of polar research in view of scientific work, projects, expeditions, and related outreach activities. These include interviews with representatives of the polar community and portraits of institutions, laboratories, and schools concerned with polar issues, as well as presentations of science policy and governance.
  • Teaching concepts. These include learning materials aimed at students in primary and secondary schools.
  • The Polar Fox. These features explain a scientific idea or fact for a younger audience.
  • Any other manuscripts that belong to the following general categories need to be submitted directly to the co-chief-editors:
    • DGP news and information;
    • Reviews on new non-fiction and fiction polar literature;
    • The APECS pages: reports;
    • Polar news and views;
    • Event reports on conferences, workshops, meetings;
    • Polar photo highlight;
    • Obituaries.